Exploring the Eastern Half of the Mitten, In Pictures Part 1

Being a Western Michigan girl, I never had too much of an opportunity to explore the Eastern side. Until I met Ethan, I had no idea how many gorgeous places I’d been missing over here. Recently, I was going through some of my photographs from 2018 and I noticed just how many gorgeous placed I’d gotten to see since last year.

One of my favorite things is sharing gorgeous places with the world in hopes that I might just inspire others to venture to the places I’ve been and see them in all their glory, for themself.

So let me take you now on a cheeky wee tour through the Eastern side of the mitten, in photographs. Because there were just so many lovely places to share, I’ve split them up into two parts. Enjoy Part 1 below and you can see the rest of my #PureMichigan moments on Part 2.

Brighton & Dexter


Michigan’s Thumb - Port Austin


Bloomfield Hills & Cranbrook School


Belle Isle


I hope some of these inspired you to venture out in the neighboring towns near you and see what’s around. You can also see more of my adventures in Eastern Michigan in Part 2.